Alex Schupp
Kansas City, Mo. (May 20, 2019) – Missouri’s un-elected Governor, Mike Parson, has indicated he intends to sign the most extreme anti-choice bill in state history. Missouri’s latest expansion of anti-choice legislation, for the first time, expands the denial of bodily autonomy to survivors of rape and incest who become pregnant.
“As a prosecuting attorney, I’ve seen first-hand the toll that rape, incest, and unplanned pregnancies take on women. It’s not the government or Governor Mike Parson’s place to get involved in a woman’s personal medical decisions about her pregnancy. This is an extreme, unconstitutional ban that is cruel to women, including women who are survivors of rape and incest,” said Missouri Democratic Party Chair, Jean Peters Baker. “Sadly, this is the next extreme step in the evolution of the party of Todd Akin. Across Missouri we’re seeing a profound visceral reaction to the Governor’s broad expansion of the denial of the right to choose and this ultra-extremist legislation. We support a woman’s right to choose. Period. We will and we must hold Governor Mike Parson and Republicans in the Missouri Legislature accountable for this disgusting policy.”
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