Chelsea Rodriguez
January 28, 2025
Following Governor Kehoe’s State of the State address before the Missouri State Legislature, the Missouri Democratic Party released the following statement:
“For the sake of all Missourians, I wish Governor Kehoe well as he begins his first term in office. It is my sincere hope that he will work constructively with Democrats and Republicans where they find common ground for the good of our State. Missouri Republicans have held control of our state legislature for more than 20 years, and their pursuit of power has caused them to leave sight of the values they were elected to uphold: a life free from government overreach and interference,” said Missouri Democratic Party Chair Russ Carnahan.
“The Governor has an opportunity to push back on his Republican Party’s deeply unpopular agenda of stripping away our individual rights and freedoms. It does not matter that Missouri voters decisively passed a constitutional amendment overturning the state's abortion ban last year—Missouri Republicans are actively working to undermine the will of the people and overturn those votes. From stripping local control from our communities and shifting it to the state, or trying to gut voters' ability to reign in their overreach through the initiative petition process, Missouri Republicans won’t stop until they have the power to control every aspect of our lives, right down to our most personal decisions.”
Kansas City Star: Missouri Republican lawmakers push to reinstate abortion ban after Amendment 3 passed
“Missouri Republicans have for years attacked the state’s initiative petition process, which has been utilized by voters of both parties to bypass the General Assembly and put measures to a statewide vote. The criticism comes as voters have in recent years passed several progressive policies, including marijuana legalization and Medicaid expansion. Republicans argue that the current process has allowed outside interest groups to influence elections. But this year, as a coalition of abortion rights groups embark on a campaign to put abortion rights on the ballot through an initiative petition, Republicans have doubled down on the effort.”
Missouri Independent: 50-Hour Filibuster Forces More Negotiations On GOP-Backed Initiative Petition Changes
Media Contact:
Chelsea Rodriguez, Communications Director
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
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