Chelsea Rodriguez
January 22, 2025
Today, on the 52nd anniversary of the Supreme Court issuing its landmark decision in Roe v. Wade Missouri Democratic Party Chair Russ Carnahan released the following statement:
“On this day fifty-two years ago, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade that protected the right to reproductive freedom for people across the country, a right Missouri voters enshrined into Missouri’s constitution this past November. These are deeply private issues around decisions that should be made amongst family and medical professionals, not politicians in Jefferson City. Missouri voters, Democratic, Independent, and Republicans, believe their neighbors should have the fundamental right to make their own, personal medical decisions without cruel interference, and they said so at the ballot box,”
Missouri Democratic Party Chair Russ Carnahan said.
“Despite Missouri voters’ issuing what should be the final word on the subject, Republicans have pledged to continue their attacks on these fundamental freedoms. Missouri Republicans in the state legislature have already announced their plans to ignore the will of Missouri voters and to resurrect their failed attempt to attack the ballot process and prevent Missouri voters from circumventing their greed entirely. Missouri Democrats are ready to fight to protect our rights and hold these power-hungry politicians accountable for their gross overreach.”
According to March of Dimes, 51.6% of Missouri counties are considered maternal healthcare deserts, which do not have a birthing facility or practicing physician. These deserts mean longer drive times for pregnant Missourians to receive the care they need for a healthy pregnancy.
Kansas City Star: Missouri Republican lawmakers push to reinstate abortion ban after Amendment 3 passed
Missouri Independent: Failed Gop Attempt To Keep Abortion Off Missouri Ballot Could Foreshadow Fight To Come
“State Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, a Republican from Arnold, is among the anti-abortion activists who sued to keep Amendment 3 off the ballot. She said regardless of what happens in November, there’s a long road ahead. ‘This is not the end all be all,’ Coleman said. ‘And I think you will see efforts, win or lose, for Missourians to get another say in this.’ [...] Coleman said if the amendment passes, it will not be the last time Missourians vote on abortion, adding that an effort similar to the one that undid Clean Missouri is likely. ‘The reason why you’ve seen such passion in the pro-life movement or from elected officials who are pro-life is because that reflects the passion of Missouri citizens who are pro-life,’ Coleman said. "Which is to do anything and everything to protect the most vulnerable.’”
“Missouri Republicans have for years attacked the state’s initiative petition process, which has been utilized by voters of both parties to bypass the General Assembly and put measures to a statewide vote. The criticism comes as voters have in recent years passed several progressive policies, including marijuana legalization and Medicaid expansion. Republicans argue that the current process has allowed outside interest groups to influence elections. But this year, as a coalition of abortion rights groups embark on a campaign to put abortion rights on the ballot through an initiative petition, Republicans have doubled down on the effort.”
Media Contact:
Chelsea Rodriguez, Communications Director
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
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