Alex Schupp
Missouri Democratic Party Officers Issue Joint Statement Condemning Sen. Ed Emery’s Comments Downplaying The Horrors Of Slavery
Kansas City, MO (January 27, 2019) – Senator Ed Emery released a legislative report dated January 27, 2020. In it, Senator Emery wrote: “Finally, last week was also the anniversary of the infamous Roe vs Wade Supreme Court opinion that has been responsible for the deaths of millions of babies in the womb. What a horrible mark that is upon the history of our nation, surpassing the barbarism even of slavery. In fact, Centers for Disease Control statistics confirm that it is the African race which has suffered the most fatalities from abortion. It should not be a mystery that the same political party that fought against slavery, today fights against abortion.” This horrific, disgusting display of a complete ignorance of American history, especially coming from a member of the Committee on Education, prompted the officers of the Missouri Democratic Party to release the following joint statement:
“Roe v. Wade is settled law that has helped Americans gain access to reproductive healthcare. We’re proud to fight for the rights of all to access medical care they and their doctor believe is right for them. We trust women to make those decisions for themselves. Comparing healthcare to slavery is not only disingenous and irresponsible, it fundamentally ignores the systemic horrors that have and continue to plague African Americans today. It’s a shame that Senator Emery, who has the honor of serving on the Committee on Education, would so blatantly diminish the cruelty and gruesomeness that was America’s original sin. It was not so long ago that discrimination was completely legal, and downplaying the lasting effects of slavery like this only reopens the wounds for generations still fighting for equality. Senator Emery should immediately apologize and recant these statements immediately.”
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