Chelsea Rodriguez
June 3, 2024
The Missouri Democratic Party congratulates our diverse group of Congressional District and Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates elected by their peers to represent Missouri at the Democratic National Convention. Over 600 Missourians across the state have participated in the Missouri Democratic Party’s 2024 delegate selection process, and we cannot thank our congressional, county committee, ward, and township leadership, paid staff, and volunteers enough for their work.
We look forward to joining our newly elected national delegation and state delegates in Columbia on June 22 at our State Convention, where we will elect the remaining At-Large and Alternate Delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
Media Contact:
Chelsea Rodriguez, Communications Director
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
Paid for by Missouri Democratic State Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Missouri Democratic Party. All Rights Reserved.