June 3, 2022
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Missouri Democratic Party are announcing that the DNC has granted the state party’s request to fund additional field staff ahead of the 2022 elections to help Democrats compete in legislative races all across the state.
The MDP’s field program will focus on registering and motivating voters in the urban and suburban areas in Kansas City, Columbia, and St. Louis. Through the voter registration program, Missouri Democrats plan to increase voter turnout in young, black, and the growing Latino and AAPI communities.
“As a former state party chair, I know firsthand how critical it is to organize in every corner of the country all year,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “That’s why we’re committed to providing unprecedented resources to help Missouri Democrats elect strong leaders across the state—from Columbia to Kansas City and St. Louis. The DNC is thrilled to support Missouri Democrats’ work to build the critical organizing infrastructure necessary to be successful in November and beyond.”
“We need people on the ground—and with this additional funding, more field staff can join our team and the fight. We want to thank DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison and the entire DNC team,” said Missouri Democrats Chair Michael Butler. “Missouri voters consistently show us that they support Democratic ideals such as Medicaid expansion, 'Right to Work,' and expanding voter access. The Party works for the entire state, and we can’t wait to go out there and continue to show Missourians the possibilities for our great communities if they elect Democrats up and down the ballot."
This grant is part of the DNC’s Red State Fund, which was established last year under the leadership of DNC Chair Jaime Harrison to put Republicans on defense and build tailored programs in traditionally Republican states.
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