Missouri is Home to Some of the Most EXTREME Politicians in the Country, Responsible for Missouri's Cruel Abortion Ban and Other Intrusions Into Our Personal Lives

US Senator Josh Hawley

Josh Hawley wants to control our lives, and with the abortion rights amendment on the ballot alongside the U.S. Senate race, Josh Hawley is in trouble.

Josh Hawley backs a total abortion ban without exception for rape or incest.

Josh Hawley has called for an end to no-fault divorce, which could trap women in broken and abusive marriages. 

Josh Hawley voted AGAINST: The Right To IVF Act and The Right To Contraception Act

GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Mike Kehoe

Kehoe supports Missouri's cruel, near-total abortion ban that makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest. 

While serving in the Missouri Senate, Kehoe backed overreaching abortion restrictions and proudly said he “voted for every pro-life, every sanctity of life bill since I’ve been in the Senate.” 

Despite this year’s campaign promise to ‘stop China from buying up our farmland,’ reporting by the Missouri Independent outed that Kehoe has been campaigning in a bus owned by a lobbyist for a Chinese-backed corporation, which owns a large chunk of Missouri’s farmland. 

Kehoe voted four times to sell out Missouri agriculture with the GOP’s elimination of the ban on foreign ownership of Missouri farmland. 

GOP Lt. Governor Candidate David Wasinger

Wasinger's far-right positions on abortion and reproductive health care earned him Missouri Right to Life's endorsement in Missouri GOP's Lt. Governor's primary election.  

Wasinger supports Missouri's cruel, near-total abortion ban that makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest and will stop at nothing to protect the ban. 

GOP State Secretary of State Candidate Denny Hoskins

Hoskins is a founding member of the out-of-touch 'Freedom Caucus' in Missouri's state senate, known for holding the legislature hostage with their dysfunction to attack our personal freedoms. 

Hoskins' far-right positions on voting, abortion, and reproductive health care earned him Missouri Right to Life's exclusive and singular endorsement in Missouri's GOP Secretary of State's primary election.  

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MO Child Care Crisis Extended Due To Further IT Issues Caused By State Contractor Whose Founder Was Caught Bankrolling Kehoe’s Campaign
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Project 2025

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GOP State Treasurer Candidate Vivek Malek

Born in India, Malek did not arrive in Missouri until the early 2000s and was appointed to his office in 2022.

Unelected Treasurer Malek's far-right positions on abortion and reproductive health care earned him Missouri Right to Life's endorsement in Missouri GOP's Treasurer's primary election.  

GOP Attorney General Candidate Andrew Bailey

Since being appointed Attorney General by Governor Parson in 2023, Andrew Bailey has used Missouri's Attorney's General office to score political points and misuse his power to undermine Missouri voters. 

Unelected AG Bailey supports Missouri's cruel, near-total abortion ban that makes no exceptions for victims of rape or incest and will stop at nothing to protect the ban. 

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled Bailey had overstepped his authority by trying to confuse voters by inflating the listed cost of Amendment 3, a measure to restore abortion rights in Missouri on the ballot in November.

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