SECTION 1.01 – We the members of the Missouri Democratic State Committee, united in common purpose, dedicate ourselves to the historic principles which have sustained our party through the years to make it the oldest, sustained political party in America . We recognize that our members come from all economic levels of life within our state and represent every race, age (if of voting age), gender, religion, disability status, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic origin and gender identity in Missouri.
We acknowledge that as a political body which wishes to lead we must listen to those we would lead. To recognize that at times some of our members may not always agree with the total body of our party, but the respective rights of each member will always be considered prior to reaching the decisions which the majority of our party must make in order to lead our state both now and in the future.
What we seek for our state we hope for all people is peace, justice and individual freedom, individual respect, and individual rights for each person without regard for race, religion, color, creed, national origin or gender.
Our purpose will be to help Democrats and all Missourians who care to join us in every geographic area of Missouri to purposely respond to the conduct of public affairs and public office in every worthy and honest way possible so that our government and society may continue to provide freedom and justice for all persons in our state under the best leadership which embodies the best of our state’s heritage.
SECTION 3.01 – The State Committee shall be the supreme governing body of the Missouri Democratic Party and all other organizations in the State Party are subordinate to the State Committee.
SECTION 3.02 – The Missouri Democratic Party shall also have ward, township, or legislative district mass meetings; county conventions or mass meetings; congressional district conventions; and state conventions as prescribed in the Delegate Selection Plan most recently approved and adopted by the State Committee.
SECTION 3.03 – Officers of the State Committee of the Missouri Democratic Party shall include the following:
State Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer
SECTION 3.04 – The Missouri Democratic Party shall assist state and local candidates in the General Election and assist in the education voters at all levels of government in Missouri.
SECTION 3.05 – Adopt and promote statements of policy.
SECTION 3.06 – Raise and disburse monies needed for the successful operation of the Democratic Party.
SECTION 3.07 – The Democratic State Committee shall establish a State Finance Council, which shall have general responsibility for raising the monies necessary for financing the Democratic State Committee. The State Finance Council shall raise funds, enforce the dues payments to the State Committee as provided by the Bylaws, assist and advise State Committee members in the raising of funds for party obligations and other related matters.
SECTION 3.08 – The State Finance Council Chair and members of the Finance Council shall be selected by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee before commencing their duties. And the Finance Chair and also members of this Council shall be subject to the authority of the State Democratic Chair and such other duties as the Bylaws may provide.
SECTION 3.09 – The Bylaws may provide for removal of members of the Missouri Democratic State Committee for cause by two-thirds vote of the State Committee and may also require attendance at State Committee meetings and continued residence in the jurisdiction represented by the member.
SECTION 4.01 – The Constitution and Bylaws shall take effect sixty (60) days after adoption by majority vote of the State Committee and after that time, they shall be the governing rules of the Missouri Democratic Party, the State Committee, and all subordinate committees.
SECTION 5.01 – Changes to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds vote of the total membership of the State Committee. However, within a sixty (60) day period after the required State Committee organizational meeting the Constitution may be changed or amended by a majority vote of the total membership of the State Committee.
SECTION 5.02 – The Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the total membership of the State Committee.
SECTION 6.01 – If any provision of the Constitution or Bylaws affecting the governance and operation of the Missouri Democratic Party shall be at variance with the Statutes of Missouri, the Constitution or Bylaw provision shall prevail. It is the intention of the Missouri Democratic Party to exercise all rights granted to it and other political parties under the Constitution of the United States .
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
Paid for by Missouri Democratic State Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Missouri Democratic Party. All Rights Reserved.