The members of each senatorial district shall meet at some place within the district, to be designated by the current chair of the committee, if there is one, and if not, by the chair of the congressional district in which the senatorial district is principally located, on the Saturday after each general election. At the meeting, the committee shall proceed to elect two registered voters of the district, one man and one woman, as members of the Democratic State Committee.
The members of the State Committee shall organize by electing a Chair and Vice Chair, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a Secretary and a Treasurer, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, all of whom may or may not be members of the State Committee and shall be elected in the order listed above. If a Chair vacancy occurs the Vice Chair office shall be declared vacant and an election shall be held to elect both a Chair and Vice Chair. When Chair and Vice Chair vacancies occur, the Secretary shall preside, and an election shall be held within 90 days. When Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary vacancies occur, the Treasurer shall preside, and an election shall be held within 90 days. Also, the Chair shall appoint an Executive Director and other State Committee staff, with the approval of the Executive Committee. If the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer are chosen from outside the membership of the State Committee, their status shall be ex-officio and non-voting.
(1) Chair – The Chair shall be the highest officer of the State Committee.
The Chair shall resolve all disputes regarding the composition of all city, county, legislative district, senatorial district, congressional district, and judicial district committee subject to a veto of the State Committee.
The Chair shall maintain at the Missouri Democratic Party headquarters a list of all city, county, legislative district, senatorial district, congressional district and judicial district committee members and officers, as furnished to the Chair by the respective party committees. He or she shall pass this on to his or her successor in office. The list shall be made available to any State Committee member upon request within 72 hours after receipt of the request. This shall constitute the official roll of all such party committees and their officers.
The Chair shall conduct all statewide campaigns by and with the advice and approval of the State Committee. With the assistance of the Executive Committee and the State Party staff, he or she shall publicly speak for Democratic Party candidates, office holders, issues and for the Democratic State Committee.
The Chair shall preside at all State Committee meetings and shall cause written notice of all State Committee meetings to be sent to all State Committee members prior to each meeting. He or she shall convene no less than four (4) State Committee meetings each year.
The Chair shall see to it that all reports required by law are filed with the proper authorities by the prescribed deadlines.
The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall appoint committee members and chair as provided herein.
The Chair may countersign checks as provided herein.
The Chair shall carryout the policies of the State Committee and its Executive Committee.
The Chair shall serve as a member of the Democratic National Committee.
The Chair shall occupy the position of chair for all purposes under the Democratic National Committee Charter and Bylaws, and Delegate Selection Rules. For these same purposes the Chair shall be considered the highest-ranking officer followed by the Vice Chair. The Chair shall lead the state’s delegation to the Democratic National Committee and shall represent the interests of the State Committee in all matters before the Democratic National Committee.
(2) Vice Chair- The Vice Chair shall preside at any meeting of the State Committee in the absence of the State Chair. He or she shall perform all duties of the chair while acting in that capacity and shall perform such duties, as may be delegate to him or her by the chair. If a vacancy occurs in the office of State Chair, the Vice Chair shall discharge the duties of the Chair until an election can be held pursuant to these bylaws.
(3) Secretary – The secretary of the State Committee shall electronically record and keep a record of the minutes of the proceedings of the State Committee.
The secretary shall have custody of all books, records and papers of the State Committee except such that shall be in the charge of the treasurer or of some other person authorized to have custody and possession thereof by resolution of the State Committee.
All records, including the official copy of the Missouri Democratic Party Constitution and By-Laws, shall be maintained at the office of the Missouri Democratic Party.
It shall also be the duty of the secretary to open files and records of the Party to examination by any duly elected member of the State Committee at any convenient and appropriate times at the request of such member.
(4) Treasurer – The treasurer of the State Committee shall supervise the keeping of a complete and accurate account and record of all receipts and disbursements and the deposit of all monies in the name of the State Committee in a recognized bank or trust company.
The treasurer shall supervise the disbursement of the funds of the State Committee as shall be ordered by the Chair or State Committee. He or she shall make proper vouchers thereof and shall render to the chair or the State Committee a report of his or her transactions at such time as requested by the Chair or State Committee.
The treasurer shall file with the secretary of the State Committee a corporate bond executed by a surety company duly authorized to execute surety bonds in the state of Missouri and in such amount as the State Committee shall determine, the premium of which shall be paid by the State Committee.
The treasurer shall be subject to audit as requested by a majority of the State Committee.
The treasurer may also countersign checks as provided herein.
The treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation and signing of federal and state campaign disclosure reports.
A deputy treasurer, appointed by the Chair with the consent of the State Committee, shall be authorized to sign all federal and state campaign disclosure reports and to perform all the powers and duties granted to the treasurer in the absence of the treasurer. The deputy treasurer may sign disclosure reports in lieu of the treasurer, then such reports shall be co-signed by an officer or Executive Director of the State of the State Committee.
(5) Executive Director – The Executive Director shall be responsible for maintenance of the Missouri Democratic Party headquarters and of statewide information and coordination and for implementation of programs as adopted by the State Committee and the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall serve at the direction and the pleasure of the State Chair. This position shall be on a full-time basis and the rate of compensation shall be fixed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Director shall be bonded in any amount set by the Executive Committee and such bonds shall be paid by State Committee funds.
(6) Parliamentarian – The parliamentarian shall be appointed by the Chair and he or she shall advise the Chair on matters of parliamentary law and procedure at all meetings of the State Committee. The parliamentarian may or may not be a member of the State Committee but if he or she is not, he or she shall not be entitled to vote. The Parliamentarian shall serve without pay.
(7) General Counsel – The Chair may appoint a general counsel, who shall be an attorney-at-law admitted to the practice of law in the State of Missouri. The general counsel shall be the legal advisor of the State Committee. The general counsel may or may not be a member of the State Committee but if he or she is not, he or she shall not be entitled to a vote.
(8) Finance Chair – The finance chair shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee and shall be charged with the duty and responsibility of supervising the fund-raising activities of the party as well as enforcing all provisions of the bylaws requiring the payment of dues to the State Committee and presiding over all meetings of the finance counsel. The finance chair shall also serve as the chair of the finance counsel for the State Committee.
The officers of the State Committee shall be elected at each organizational meeting held in accordance with Section 1.05 (1) to hold office for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The appointive offices may be filled as provided herein and those terms of office shall run concurrently with the elective offices.
Written notice may be waived by a written waiver signed by at least two-thirds of the members of the State Committee.
Except for the organizational meeting, at the discretion of the Chair meetings may be held by video or telephonic conference to be so indicated in the notice of the meeting.
If any of the following events occurs to any member of the State Committee, a vacancy in that office shall exist:
remains convicted of a criminal offense than a misdemeanor after his or her rights to appeal or exhausted;
The Chair shall immediately notify the chair and vice-chair of the affected senatorial district committee of the vacancy from their district and direct them to call a meeting of their committee for the purpose of electing a registered voter from that senatorial district and of the same sex as the person being replaced to fill the vacancy. The senatorial district committee chair shall call a meeting of the district committee within thirty (30) days after notification of the vacancy. Notice of this meeting and its conduct shall comply with the bylaws. In the absence of the district chair or in his or her failure to act, the district vice-chair shall call the meeting and act as the chair.
(1) Committee members, including chairs may be drawn from outside the membership of the State Committee, except as otherwise provided the chair shall appoint the chair and members of the committees. Appointments to any of the committees shall be made every two (2) years within sixty (60) days after the organizational meeting of the State Committee held in accordance with Section 1.05 (1). The term of said members shall be for two (2) years or until their successors are appointed. In the case of a vacancy, the original appointing authority shall appoint a new member to serve out the unexpired term.
(2) Democratic Candidate Recruitment (State/Local Offices) – There shall be a three (3) member committee to identify and recruit candidates for state and local offices. The committee shall advise the State Committee in giving assistance to Democratic candidates not involved in primary contests and to Democratic nominees for state and local offices after the primary election.
(3) Democratic Candidate Recruitment (Federal Offices) – There shall be a three (3) member committee to identify and recruit candidates for federal offices. The committee shall advise the State Committee in giving assistance to Democratic nominees for federal offices after the primary election.
(4) Legislative Redistricting – There shall be a three (3) member committee to advise the State Committee concerning redistricting.
(5) Affirmative Action and Delegate Selection Committee – This committee shall be composed of fifteen (15) members, at least one (1) member of which comes from each congressional district and is responsible for drafting affirmative action and delegate selection plans for state and national party conferences and conventions as required by the Democratic National Committee. Such plans should provide for among other things, representation in delegations and on committees at such national conferences and conventions by Democratic members of minority groups, Native Americans, women, senior citizens and youth in numbers reasonably approximating their presence in Missouri ‘s electorate.
(6) State Compliance Committee – This committee shall be composed of five (5) members, appointed by the Executive Committee, whose purpose is to review all actions or lack of action, to assure that the approved affirmative action programs and delegate selection plans for the Missouri Democratic Party are properly implemented and complied with and to review and decide alleged violations of the affirmative action programs and delegate selection plans in accordance with procedures outlined in the appropriate national and state party rules. The State Compliance Committee shall select a chair from among its membership.
(7) Appeals Committee – This committee shall be responsible for arbitrating party disputes involving all but delegate selection plans and affirmative action programs.
The Appeals Committee shall consist of a panel of arbitrators appointed by the Chair with at least one (1) arbitrator residing in each congressional district. Any appeal petition must contain all of the following information in order to be given consideration for action: date, time and location of the disputed action; rule allegedly violated; party committee, organization or function involved in the dispute; name and titles of all party officials involved in the dispute; name and address of each person involved in the dispute; copies of any documentary evidence involving the dispute; a declaration of whether or not the result of the meeting would have been different; and the remedy sought by the appellant.
Appeals containing all of the information as specified herein, must be received in writing at the state party headquarters within five (5) days of the alleged incident. The Chair shall within five (5) days or receipt of the appeal at headquarters either make a final ruling on the appeal or appoint an arbitrator from the appeals committee to hear the facts from all parties involved in the appeal. If an arbitrator is appointed, a hearing shall be held within ten (10) days of that appointment of the arbitrator. A written report of the investigation and recommendation of the arbitrator shall be made to the Chair within ten (10) days of the hearing. The Chair shall make a final ruling in the appeal within five (5) days of receiving the arbitrators report, except that in the case of a removal from office of a State Committee officer, congressional district committee, senatorial district committee or legislative district committee, the final decision shall be made by a vote of the State Committee.
(8) Audit Committee – This committee shall be composed of three (3) members, appointed by the State Committee, whose duties shall be to audit annually the financial accounts and balances of the State Committee. One (1) of those three (3) members shall be designated chair by the State Committee.
(9) Constitution and By Laws Committee – This committee shall at least biennially review the structure and procedures of this organization as defined in this document and recommend any additions or changes to the State Committee deemed necessary or desirable for the efficient operation of the Missouri Democratic Party and our compliance with the governing rules of the Democratic Party of the United States.
(10) Legislative Affairs Committee – This committee shall study, coordinate and maintain liaison with the State Committee and the Democratic leadership and Democratic members of the Missouri General Assembly on any legislation deemed necessary and desirable in the interest of the state. The Democratic floor leaders of the Missouri Senate and the House of Representatives or their designated alternate from the same body of the General Assembly shall be ex-officio and automatic members of the legislative affairs committee with full voting rights.
(11) Education and Training Committee – This committee shall be responsible for the creation and implementation of education and training programs for the democratic party in furtherance of its objectives, including among other subjects: efficient methods for voter registration, involvement of college and non-college young democrats in electoral affairs of the democratic party, campaign organization and campaign finance laws; and or the issuance of publications as necessary or appropriate in performance of any of these functions.
(12) Finance Council – This committee shall consist of the finance chair, the treasurer of the State Committee and such other persons as may be appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee.The finance chair and all members of the council shall be subject to the authority of the Chair and all applicable provisions of the party’s Constitution and By Laws.
(13) Platform Committee – This committee shall formulate a platform and general policy for the Missouri Democratic Party. The report of the platform committee shall be presented to the State Committee for their approval every two (2) years at the organizational meeting to be held in accordance with Section 1.05 (1).
(14) Women’s Activities Committee – This committee shall aid in organizing the Women’s Federation of Democratic Clubs throughout Missouri and shall sponsor and encourage such women’s activities as may benefit the Democratic Party. The president of the Missouri Federation of Women’s Democratic Clubs shall be a member of the Women’s Activities Committee with full voting rights.
(15) Youth Communications Committee – This committee shall develop open effective lines of communication with college students and youth groups throughout the state. The president of the Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri shall serve as a member of the youth communications committee with full voting.
(16) Information Technology Committee – This committee shall be composed of twelve (12) members, at least one (1) member of which comes from each congressional district. Half of the committee shall be composed of members of the Democratic State Committee. Other appointed members should possess expertise and experience in the information management field and/or voter file management. Members shall be appointed by the Chair and approved by the Executive Committee. The Voter File Manager/VAN Administrator shall serve as staff for the committee and attend committee meetings. The purpose of the Information Technology Committee is to set policy for the Voter Activation Network as well as any other voter information management programs conducted by the Missouri Democratic State Committee. The Chair of the committee will be included in discussions with the Democratic National Committee regarding the VAN. The committee will be educated regarding all aspects of the information management programs of the state committee and on a regular basis update the state committee on the functioning and performance of those programs. The committee will coordinate with the Education and Training Committee to facilitate training on the VAN in each congressional district of the state.
(17) Personnel Committee: This committee shall be composed of five (5) members, appointed by the Chair, to act in an oversight and advisory capacity to the Chair and Executive Director for all human resources policies and procedures for paid staff members of the Missouri Democratic Party, including, but not limited to, compensation, benefits, performance evaluation, workplace safety, workplace environment, and grievance procedures. This Committee shall also establish a procedure for an exit interview by two or more members of the Committee with all paid staff members who leave the employ of the Missouri Democratic Party.
(18) State Party Affairs Committee: This committee shall be comprised of five (5) members appointed by the Chair, to act in an oversight capacity for Community Caucuses, including, but not limited to, the review of all applications for a group to become a Community Caucus, the performance of all biennial reviews, and all other duties as set forth in Section X of these Bylaws.
(19) Other Committees – The Chair is authorized to activate or establish other committees, as the chair of the State Committee deems necessary.
Any member of the State Committee may give his or her signed proxy to any other member of that committee, provided, however, that no person shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies and whenever the State Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for statewide office, a member must be present in person to vote. Each proxy must specify the name of the person entitled to vote the proxy.
A quorum for State Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members elected thereto, including proxies, provided, however, that whenever the State Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for statewide office, a majority of the members of the State Committee must be present.
At the meetings of the State Committee, the following shall be the recommended order of business:
All standing committees may make a report at each regular meeting of the State Committee. There shall be included on the agenda of any meeting of the State Committee any item or resolution that shall have been submitted in writing to the chair or the secretary by ten (10) or more members of the State Committee at least five (5) days prior to the date of such meeting. All resolutions must be signed by the author of the resolution and sponsored by a member of the State Committee.
The rules contained in “Roberts Rules of Order”, as most recently revised, shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws of this organization.
Minutes of the meeting of the State Committee and Executive Committee shall be recorded and sent to all members of the State Committee.
The funds of the State Committee shall be deposited from time to time in such financial institutions authorized to do business in the State of Missouri as may be determined by the Executive Committee and all withdrawals from any such bank accounts shall be by check or draft signed by the Chair, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer or Executive Director (a combination of any two) or by letter signed by the Chair withdrawing from savings account or time deposit for the purpose of transferring funds to checking account. The Chair shall have the right to borrow money and execute notes on behalf of the State Committee, as may be approved by the Executive or State Committee.
The State Committee shall not endorse any candidate for office prior to the primary election, except however, the State Committee may endorse and support incumbent Democratic candidates for statewide offices and the General Assembly in primary elections, provided 75% of the members voting concur.
The Chair shall issue all statements representing the policy or policies of the State Committee, but a member or officer may issue statements representing policy of the State Committee after first having same approved by the Chair or the State Committee.
The Executive Committee shall consist of not more than 29 persons: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, four (4) male members of the DSC elected at large by the DSC, four (4) female members of the Democratic State Committee elected at large by the DSC, President of the Senior Democrats of Missouri, President of the Young Democratic Clubs of Missouri, President of the Missouri Federation of Women’s Democratic Clubs, three (3) at-large members to represent members of organized labor and professional associations to be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the members of the DSC and the following officials or their designee, the two (2) Missouri United States Senators, one (1) member of the Missouri Democratic delegation from the United States House of Representatives to be elected by the delegation, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Attorney General, State Auditor, the President Pro Tempore of the Missouri Senate, the Speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives.
If any of the aforementioned offices are held by Republicans, or is vacant, the Chair shall appoint replacement members to Executive Committee from among members of the DSC, the State Legislature or members of city or county Democratic Committees and to more fairly reflect a broad cross section of the people of Missouri, consideration should be given, but not limited, to the following groups: women, minorities, Native Americans, senior citizens and youths. Geographic balance should also be considered in making these appointments. Additionally, they shall be subject to approval by the members of the DSC. The terms of at large and appointed Executive Committee members shall be two (2) years.
The Chair of the State Committee shall be Chair of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee may meet as often as may be necessary and at any location within the state. Meetings may be called by either the Chair or by any three (3) members of the committee. Written notice must be provided by either (1) depositing a copy of the notice in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, properly addressed to the last known address on file with the State Committee, or (2) if authorized in writing by the committee member at any time, by emailing a copy at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting to the last known email address on file with the State Committee. A committee member’s designation of the manner in which to receive notice will remain effective until revoked in writing by the committee member and received by the Chair or Executive director of the State Committee.
Written notice of the meetings may be waived and signed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee; provided, however, that all members were notified in some manner of the meeting prior thereto.
Vacancies in the Executive Committee shall be filled only by the original authorized person or group responsible for that particular position.
The only proxies to be permitted shall be those of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Treasurer, Attorney General, U.S. Senate members, the U.S. House of Representatives, or their designees. These members should appoint one person to represent them in their absences, but every effort should be made by the actual member to personally attend each meeting.
A quorum for Executive Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members, including proxies.
Except in matters which require the action of the State Committee under the provisions of the Election Laws of Missouri or in matters otherwise specifically provided for in these rules, the Executive Committee shall have the power to act for the State Committee between meetings of the State Committee and any action of the Executive Committee may be overruled by resolution of the State Committee. The Executive Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to all committees and shall perform such duties as may be conferred by these rules or otherwise delegated to it by the State Committee. The minutes of all the meetings of the State Democratic Committee and the Executive Committee shall be recorded and sent to all members of the State Democratic Committee.
(1) The Congressional District Committee of a district which is composed of (1) one or more whole counties; or (2) one or more whole counties and part of one or more counties shall consist of the County Committee Chair and Vice Chair of each county within the district and the Committeeman and Committeewoman of each Legislative District Committee within the district.
(2) The Congressional District Committee of a district which consists of (1) parts of one or more counties; (2) part of a city not within a county; (3) a whole city not within a county; or (4) part of a city not within a county and parts of one or more counties shall consist of the Committeeman and Committeewoman of the precinct, ward, or township included in whole or in part of the district and the Chair and Vice Chair of each Legislative District Committee within the district in whole or in part.
Each member of the Congressional District Committee whose membership consists of ward or township Committeemen and Committeewomen shall be entitled to one vote for each two thousand (2,000) votes or major fraction thereof cast for the Democratic candidate for Governor in the last Gubernatorial election in the ward or township within the Congressional District. Every member shall be entitled to at least one vote.
Whenever a member of any Congressional District Committee resigns or is unable to serve because of death or disability, or ceases to be a registered voter of the congressional district, a replacement shall be named in the same manner as the original appointment.
Written notice may be waived by written waiver signed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the district committee.
At the required organizational meeting, the Congressional District Committee shall organize by the election of one of its members as Chair and one of its members as Vice Chair, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a secretary and a treasurer, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, who may or may not be members of the committee. All Congressional District Committee officers must reside within the congressional district in which they serve.
The officers of the Congressional District Committee shall have the powers, duties, and limitations normally recognized function of their office. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the required statutory meeting, the Congressional District Chair shall notify the State Party Chair, at headquarters, in writing of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the new Congressional District Committee officers.
The officers of the Congressional District Committee shall be elected every two (2) years at the organizational meeting on the last Tuesday in August after each primary election and shall serve until their successors have been so chosen.
If any of the following events occurs to any Congressional District Committee officer, a vacancy in that office shall exist:
If a Chair vacancy occurs, then the Vice Chair office shall be declared vacant. An election shall be held to elect the Chair and the Vice Chair, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days. If a single vacancy occurs in the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer no other offices will be vacated, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days to elect a new officer for that position only. In case of the absence of the Chair, or in the event of a vacancy for any reason in that office, the duties of the Congressional District Committee Chair shall devolve upon the Vice Chair.
Any member of the Congressional District Committee may give his or her signed proxy to:
(1) Any other member or officer of the Congressional District Committee; or
(2) Any other member or officer of the Legislative District or County Committee that the member of the Congressional District Committee giving the proxy represents.
However, no member shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies and whenever the district committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for Congress, a member must be present in person to vote. A person may only serve as a proxy voter is such person is legally permitted to vote in the district in which the proxy resides.
A quorum for Congressional Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members elected thereto, including proxies; provided, however, that whenever the district committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for Congress, a majority of the members of the Congressional District Committee must be present.
The Congressional District Committee shall act as a campaign committee and shall have a duty to fulfill assignments given to the committee by the State Committee in furtherance of Democratic Party campaigns. The members-elect of the district committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the Party ticket for the U.S. Representatives in their respective district pursuant to statutory provisions.
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order”, as most recently revised, shall govern meetings of the Congressional District Committee in all cases where they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-laws of this organization.
(1) The Senatorial District Committee of a district which is composed of (1) one or more whole counties; or (2) one or more whole counties and part of one or more counties shall consist of the County Committee Chair and Vice Chair of each county within the district and the Committeeman and Committeewoman of each legislative district within the district.
(2) The Senatorial District Committee of a district which consists of (1) parts of one or more counties; (2) parts of a city not within the county; (3) a whole city not within a county; or (4) parts of a city not within a county and parts of one or more counties shall consist of the Committeeman and Committeewoman of the precinct, ward, or township included in whole or in part of the district and the Chair and Vice Chair of each Legislative District Committee within the district in whole or in part.
Each member of the Senatorial District Committee whose membership consists of ward or township Committeemen and Committeewomen shall be entitled to one vote for each one thousand (1,000) votes or major fraction thereof cast for the Democratic candidate for Governor in the last gubernatorial election in the ward or township within the senatorial district. Every member shall be entitled to at least one vote.
Whenever a member of any senatorial district resigns or is unable to serve because of death or disability, or ceases to be a registered voter of the senatorial district, a replacement shall be named in the same manner as the original appointment.
(1) The members of each Senatorial District Committee shall meet at some place and date, to be designated by the current chair of the Senatorial District Committee, if there is one, and if not, by the chair of the congressional district in which the senatorial district is principally located, not earlier than four weeks after each primary election but in no event later than the fifth Saturday after each primary election. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Senatorial District Committee that is wholly contained within a county or a city not within a county may choose to meet on the same day as the respective City or County Committee.
(2) The Senatorial District Committee shall also meet at the call of the district Chair or at the call of twenty-five (25) percent of the members of the committee. Notice of such meeting shall be in writing stating the time and the place of the meeting, the name or names of the calling authority. The written notice must be provided by either (1) depositing a copy of the notice in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, properly addressed to the last known address on file with the State Committee, or (2) if authorized in writing by the committee member at any time, by emailing a copy at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting to the last known email address on file with the State Committee. A committee member’s designation of the manner in which to receive notice will remain effective until revoked in writing by the committee member and received by the Chair or Executive director of the State Committee.
Written notice may be waived by a written waiver signed by at least two thirds (2/3) of the members of the district committee; provided, however that all members were notified in the same manner of the meeting prior thereto.
At the required organizational meeting, the Senatorial District Committee shall organize by electing one of its members as Chair and one of its members as Vice Chair, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, and a Secretary and a Treasurer, one of whom shall be a woman and one of whom shall be a man, who may or may not be members of the committee.
The officers of the Senatorial District Committee shall have the powers, duties and limitations normally recognized as a function of their office. They shall assist in the election of the party nominee for State Senator of their district and in the campaigns of party nominees within their district, as may be requested by the respective candidates. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the required meetings, the Senatorial District Chair shall notify the State Chair, in writing, of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the new Senatorial District Committee officers, and of the two (2) State Committee members.
The officers of the Senatorial District Committee shall be elected every two (2) years at the organizational meeting on the third Saturday in August after each primary election shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until successors have been duly elected and qualified.
after his or her rights to appeal are exhausted;
If a Chair vacancy occurs, then the Vice Chair office shall be declared vacant. An election shall be held to elect the Chair and Vice Chair, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days. If a single vacancy occurs in the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer no other offices will be vacated, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days to elect a new officer for that position only. In case of the absence of the Chair, or in the event of a vacancy for any reasons in that office, the duties of the district Chair shall devolve upon the Vice-Chair.
Any member of the Senatorial District Committee may give his or her signed proxy to:
(1) Any other member or officer of the Senatorial District Committee; or
(2) Any other member or officer of the Legislative District or County Committee that the member of the Senatorial District Committee giving the proxy represents.
However, no member shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies and whenever the Senatorial District Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for the State Senate, a member must be present in person to vote. A person may only serve as a proxy voter if such person is legally permitted to vote in the district in which the proxy resides.
A quorum for Senatorial District Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members elected thereto, including proxies; provided, however, that whenever the district committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for State Senate, a majority of the members of the district committee must be present.
The members-elect of the Senatorial District Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the party ticket for State Senator in their respective district pursuant to statutory provisions.
The rules contained in “Roberts Rules of Order”, as most recently revised, shall govern meetings of the Senatorial District Committee in all cases where they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-laws of this organization.
A Legislative District Committee shall consist of the precinct, ward, or township Committeeman and Committeewoman from such precincts, wards or townships included in whole or in part of the Legislative District.
Each member of the Legislative District Committee shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof that was cast for the Democratic candidate for Governor in the last gubernatorial election, within the Ward or Township or part of the ward or township that lies within the Legislative District. Every member shall be entitled to at least one (1) vote.
Whenever a member of any Legislative District Committee resigns or is unable to serve because of death or disability or ceases to be a registered voter of the Legislative District, a replacement shall be named in the same manner as the original appointment.
Written notice may be waived by a written waiver signed by at least two thirds (2/3) of the members of the district committee; provided, however that all members were notified in the same manner of the meeting prior thereto.
At the required organizational meeting, the Legislative District Committee shall organize by electing two of its members, a man and a woman, as chair and vice chair, and a man and a woman who may or may not be members of the committee as secretary and treasurer. All Legislative District Committee officers must reside within the legislative district in which they serve. All Legislative District Committee officers must reside within the legislative district in which they serve.
The officers of the Legislative District Committee shall have the powers, duties and limitations normally recognized as a function of their office. They shall assist in the election of the party nominee for State Representative of their district, and in the campaign of party statewide nominees within their district, as may be requested by the respective candidates. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the required meetings, the Legislative District Committee Chair shall notify the State Chair, in writing, of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the new Legislative District Committee officers.
The Officers of the Legislative District Committee specified in SECTION 5.01 (1) shall be elected every two (2) years at the organizational meeting and serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been duly elected and qualified.
If any of the following events occurs to any Legislative District Committee officer, a vacancy in that office shall exist:
If a Chair vacancy occurs, then the Vice Chair office shall be declared vacant. An election shall be held to elect the Chair and Vice Chair, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days. If a single vacancy occurs in the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer no other offices will be vacated, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days to elect a new officer for that position only. In case of the absence of the Chair, or in the event of a vacancy for any reason in that office, the duties of the district Chair shall devolve upon the Vice Chair.
Any member of the Legislative District Committee may give his or her signed proxy to any other member; provided, however, that no person shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies and whenever the Legislative District Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for the state legislature, a member must be present in person to vote. Each proxy must specify the name of the person entitled to vote the proxy. A person may only serve as a proxy voter if such person is legally permitted to vote in the district in which the proxy resides.
A quorum for Legislative District Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members selected thereto, including proxies; provided, however, that whenever the Legislative District Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for state legislature, a majority of the members of the Legislative District Committee must be present.
The members-elect of the Legislature District Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the Party ticket for state representative in their respective districts pursuant to statutory provisions.
(1) The Judicial District Committee of a district which is composed of (1) one or more whole counties; or (2) one or more whole counties and part of one or more counties shall consist of the County Committee Chair and Vice Chair of each county within the district and the Committeeman and Committeewoman of each Legislative District Committee within the district.
(2) The Judicial District Committee of a district which consists of (1) parts of one or more counties; (2) part of a city not within the county; (3) a whole city not within a county; or (4) part of a city not within a county and parts of one or more counties shall consist of the Committeemen and Committeewomen of the precinct, ward, or township included in whole or in part of the district and the Chair and Vice Chair of each Legislative District Committee within the district in whole or in part.
Each member of the Judicial District Committee whose membership consists of ward or township Committeemen and Committeewomen shall be entitled to one vote for each one hundred (100) votes or major fraction thereof cast for the Democratic candidate for Governor in the last gubernatorial election in the Ward or Township within the judicial district. Each member shall be entitled to at least one vote.
Whenever a member of any Judicial District Committee resigns, or is unable to serve because of death or disability or ceases to be a registered voter of the judicial district, a replacement shall be named in the same manner as the original appointment.
(1)The members of each Judicial District Committee may meet at some place and date within the judicial district or within one of the counties in which the judicial district exists, to be designated by the current Chair of the committee or the Chair of the Congressional District Committee not earlier than six weeks after each primary election but in no event later than the seventh Saturday after each primary election. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Judicial District Committee that is wholly contained within a county or a city not within a county may choose to meet on the same day as the respective City or County Committee.
(2) The Judicial District Committee shall also meet at the call of the district Chair or at the call of twenty-five (25) percent of the members of the committee. Notice of such meeting shall be in writing stating the time and place of the meeting, the name of names of the calling authority. The written notice must be provided by either (1) depositing a copy of the notice in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting, properly addressed to the last known address on file with the State Committee, or (2) if authorized in writing by the Congressional Committee member at any time, by emailing a copy at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting to the last known email address on file with the State Committee. A committee member’s designation of the manner in which to receive notice will remain effective until revoked in writing by the committee member and received by the Chair or Executive director of the State Committee.
Written notice may be waived by a written waiver signed by two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the district committee; provided, however, that all members were notified in some manner of the meeting prior thereto.
At the organizational meeting, the Judicial District Committee shall organize by electing two of its members, a man and a woman, as Chair and Vice Chair, and a man and a woman who may or may not be members of the committee as Secretary and Treasurer. All Judicial District Committee officers must reside within the judicial district in which they serve.
The officers of the Judicial District Committee shall have the powers, duties, and limitations normally recognized as a function of their office. Within forty-eight (48) hours after the organizational meetings, the judicial district chair shall notify the state chair, in writing, of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the new judicial district officers.
The officers of the Judicial District Committee may be elected every two (2) years in September after each primary election and serve until their successors have been elected and qualified.
If any of the following events occurs to any Judicial District Committee officer, a vacancy in that office shall exist:
Any member of the Judicial District Committee may give his or her signed proxy to:
(1) Any other member or officer of the Judicial District Committee; or
(2) Any other member or officer of the Legislative District or County Committee that the member of the Judicial District giving the proxy represents. However, no member shall be allowed to vote more than two (2) proxies and whenever the Judicial District Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for the Judiciary, a member must be present in person to vote. A person may only serve as a proxy voter if such person is legally permitted to vote in the district in which the proxy resides.
A quorum for Judicial District Committee meetings shall be a majority of the members elected thereto, including proxies; provided, however, that whenever the district committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for the judiciary, a majority of the members of the district committee must be present.
The members-elect of the Judicial District Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the Party ticket for the judiciary in their respective districts pursuant to Article V, Section 29 of the Constitution of the State of Missouri and statutory provisions.
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order,” as most recently revised, shall govern meetings of the Judicial District Committee in all cases where they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws of this organization.
(1) No person shall be elected or shall serve as a member of a County Committee or City Committee who is not, for one year next before the person’s election, both a registered voter of and a resident of the county or city not within a county and the committee district from which the person is elected if such district shall have been so long established, and if not, then of the district or districts from which the same shall have been taken. Except as provided in subsections (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section, the membership of a County or City Committee shall consist of a man and a woman elected from each precinct, township or ward in the county or city not within the county.
(2) JACKSON COUNTY- In each county of the first classification containing the major portion of a city which has over three hundred thousand (300,000) inhabitants, two (2) members of the County Committee, a man and a woman, shall be elected from each ward in the city. Any township entirely contained in the city shall have no additional representation on the County Committee. As provided by law, the election authority for the county shall, not later than six months after the decennial census has been reported to the President of the United States, divide the most populous township outside the city into eight (8) sub districts of contiguous and compact territory and as nearly equal in population as practicable. As provided by law, the sub districts shall be numbered from one (1) upward consecutively, which numbers shall, insofar as practicable, be retained upon reapportionment. Two (2) members of the County Committee, a man and a woman, shall be elected from each such sub district. Six (6) members of the committee, three (3) men and three (3) women, shall be elected from the second and third most populous townships outside the city. Four members of the committee, two (2) men and two (2) women, shall be elected from the other township outside the city.
(3) In any city which has over three hundred thousand inhabitants, the major portion of which is located in a county with a charter form of government, for the portion of the city located within such county, as provided by law, the election authority, not later than six months after the decennial census has been reported to the President of the United States, shall divide such cities into not less than twenty-four (24) nor more than twenty-five (25) wards after each decennial census. As provided by law, wards shall be so divided that the number of inhabitants in any ward shall not exceed any other ward of the city and within the same county, by more than five percent (5%), measured by the number of inhabitants determined at the preceding decennial census.
(4) CLAY COUNTY- In each county of the first classification containing a portion, but not the major portion, of a city which has over three hundred thousand (300,000) inhabitants, ten (10) members of the committee, five (5) men and five (5) women, shall be elected from the district of each state representative wholly contained in the county in the following manner: within six months after each legislative apportionment, as provided by law, the election authority shall divide each legislative district wholly contained in the county into five (5) committee districts of contiguous territory as compact and nearly equal in population as may be; two (2) members of the committee, a man and a woman, shall be elected from each committee district. As provided by law, the election authority shall divide the area of the county located within legislative districts not wholly contained in the county into similar committee districts; two members of the committee, a man and a woman, shall be elected from each committee district.
(5) In each city not situated in a county, two members of the committee, a man and woman shall be elected from each ward.
(6) ST. LOUIS COUNTY- In all counties with a charter form of government and a population of over nine hundred thousand (900,000) inhabitants, the County Committeepersons shall be elected from each township. Within six months after each decennial census has been reported to the President of the United States, the election authority, as provided by law, shall divide the county into twenty-eight compact and contiguous townships containing populations as nearly equal in population to each other as is practical.
(7) In each city not situated in a county and in each county which has over nine hundred thousand (900,000) inhabitants, all members of the County or City committee shall be elected at the primary election immediately preceding each gubernatorial election and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. In each other county, all members of the County Committee shall be elected at each primary election and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.
(8) Changes of township, ward, or precinct lines shall not affect the terms of office of incumbent party committee members elected from districts as constituted at the time of their election.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the qualified man and woman receiving the highest number of votes from each committee district for Committeeman and Committeewoman shall be members of the County or City Committee of the party.
(2) If two or more qualified persons receive an equal number of votes for County or City Committeeman of Committeewoman of a party and a higher number of votes than any other qualified person from the party, a vacancy shall exist on the County or City Committee which shall be filled by a majority of the committee.
(3) If no qualified person is elected County or City Committeeman or Committeewoman from a committee district for a party, a vacancy shall exist on the County or City Committee which shall be filled by a majority of the committee.
(4) As provided by law, the provisions for this subsection shall apply only in any county or city where no filing fee is required for filing a declaration of candidacy for Committeeman or Committeewoman in a committee district. If only one qualified candidate has filed a declaration of candidacy for Committeeman or Committeewoman in a committee district prior to the deadline established by law, no election shall be held for Committeeman or Committeewoman in the committee district at the same time as candidates elected pursuant to subsection 1 of this section are certified. If no qualified candidate files for Committeeman or Committeewoman in a committee district, no election shall be held and a vacancy shall exist on the County or City Committee which shall be filled by a majority of the committee.
Whenever a member of any County or City Committee dies, resigns, or ceases to be a registered voter of or a resident of the county or a city not within a county or the committee district from which he is elected, a vacancy shall exist on the committee. A majority of the committee shall elect another person to fill the vacancy who, for one year next before his election, shall have been both a registered voter of and a resident of the county or city and the committee district. The person selected to fill the vacancy shall serve the remainder of the vacated term.
(1) The members of each County Committee shall meet at the county seat not earlier than two weeks after each primary election, but in no event later than the third Saturday after each primary election, at the discretion of the Chair of the committee. The meetings are held in the county seats of the various counties. Except that in St. Louis City and St. Louis County, the Chair of the committee shall designate the place of meeting.
Meetings of said County and City Committees shall be upon call of the Chair of each committee whenever he or she thinks it to be in the interest of the Party or when requested to do so in writing by fifteen (15) percent of the members of said committee.
(2) In each city not within a county, the City Committee shall meet on the same day at the city hall.
At the required statutory meeting the County or City Committee shall organize by electing two of its members, a man and a woman, as Chair and Vice Chair, and a man and a woman who may or may not be members of the committee as Secretary or Treasurer. All county committee officers must reside within the county in which they serve. The County Committee may elect any other officers it deems necessary to properly carry out its duties.
(1)Chair- The Chair of the County Committee shall preside at all meetings of the County Committee and with such limitations as hereafter may be prescribed, act for the County Committee when it is not in session and have the general direction and control of the campaigns and affairs of the Party and the county subject to the direction of the County Committee. The Chairs shall distribute election credentials to duly elected Committeemen and Committeewomen. After the organizational meeting, the County Chair shall notify the Congressional District Chair, in writing of the names, physical addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of the members of the County Committee.
(2)Vice Chair- The county Vice Chair shall preside over the County Committee in the absence of the county Chair and act as the county Chair in the absence of the county Chair.
(3) Secretary- The county Secretary shall maintain or assist in maintaining a record of the meetings of the county. He or she shall attest to the signature of the county chair to all calls and any other official documents being necessary by the County Committee. Within thirty (30) days after the election of officers of each County Committee held in accordance with the rules of such committee, the Secretary of such County Committee shall certify to the Chair of the State Committee the names of the person selected as officers and the list of the members of the County Committee.
(4) Treasurer- The county Treasurer shall countersign all checks with the county Chair. The County Committee may call upon the Treasurer at various times during the calendar year for all the amounts of receipts and disbursements and such other information they may wish to view. The Treasurer may be required by the County Committee to give bond in such sums as may be required by said committee.
All officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors have been so chosen.
If any of the following events occurs to any County Committee officer, a vacancy in that office shall exist:
If a Chair vacancy occurs, then the Vice Chair office shall be declared vacant. An election shall be held to elect the Chair and Vice Chair, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days. If a single vacancy occurs in the Vice Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer no other offices will be vacated, and that election shall be held within sixty (60) days to elect a new officer for that position only. In the case of absence of the Chair, or in the event of a vacancy for any reason in that office, the duties of the county Chair shall devolve upon the Vice Chair.
Whenever the County Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for county-wide office, a member must be present in person to vote. The County Committees may enact by-laws authorizing and defining procedures for proxy votes for other types of committee business. However, in the absence of specific by-law provisions, any member of the County Committee may give their signed proxy to another member of the committee: provided, however no person shall be allowed to vote more than two proxies. Each proxy must specify the name of the person entitled to vote the proxy.
Whenever the County Committee acts as a nominating committee to select a candidate for countywide office, a quorum shall be a majority of the members of the County Committee. The County Committee may enact by-laws defining a quorum for other types of committee business. However, in the absence of such by-laws, a quorum shall be a majority of the members, including proxies.
The Committeemen and Committeewomen comprise the ward or township committee and these two (2) officials have the responsibility of building a strong Party organization within its area. They are obliged to represent the views of Party members to the County Committee. The Committeemen and Committeewomen may organize ward or township clubs and those committee members should keep Party members informed of the activities of the Party. Newcomers to the area should be greeted by those committee members if at all feasible. The members-elect of the County Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies in the Party ticket for countywide offices pursuant to statutory provisions.
The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order,” as most recently revised, shall govern meetings of County Committees in all cases where they are applicable and are not inconsistent with the Constitution or By-Laws of this organization.
The State Committee is authorized to examine all Democratic county rules and all amendments thereto and no such rules or amendments shall be effective until approved by the state chair; provided, however, that if the Chair fails to take action approving or disapproving the proposed rules or amendments within sixty (60) days after the date on which they are received for consideration, the rules or amendments shall automatically become effective.
A County Committee shall have the power to censure any member who shall be guilty of willful neglect of any duty imposed upon him or her for failure to support the Party nominees at any election during his or her term of office. Such action shall not be taken without notice to the offending member and an opportunity for him or her to refute such charge.
The state convention shall have the following standing committee appointed by the State Committee Chair: credentials, nominating, and resolutions. The State Committee Chair shall appoint one member from each Congressional District to these Standing Committees from two nominees for each Standing Committee submitted by each Congressional District Chair.
The State Committee shall adopt rules for the selection of delegates to city, county, legislative district, congressional district, state or national conventions or conferences of the Democratic Party. These rules shall be adopted by majority vote of the total membership of the State Committee.
Candidate Recruitment- The state chair, Executive Committee and the DSC shall give priority to candidate identification and recruitment for all offices.
Candidate Services- The DSC should be prepared to make available the following assistance to Democratic candidates:
The services as listed above should be immediate functions of the DSC. It is suggested consideration be given to providing the following additional services in the near future: 1) a Democratic voter registration program; 2) development of research material on Republican opponents; 3) clipping services on Democrats as well as Republican activities; 4) general election field coordinators for work with Democrats at the local level; 5) campus and production and distribution of a newsletter or newspaper with emphasis on the activities of the DSC and its plans and services, with a minimum of four editions annually; 6) reinstating the activity report updating the progress and accomplishments of the DSC. The DSC should also consider any and all proposals to include the city and county Democratic officials in Party affairs and activities.
(b) If any DSC member has not paid dues, has not indicated their intent to use the payment plan and made their payments under such plan, received approval of a documented payment plan and is current with payment on such plan, or been granted a waiver by April 1 of each year, the Executive Director shall give notice to the member of their dues obligations and the requirement to either pay, arrange for a payment plan, or request a waiver, with a copy of such notice to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Senatorial District for any member representing a Senatorial District.
(c) Any member of the DSC that has not by May 1 of each year paid their dues in full, obtained an approved and documented payment plan and is current with payment on such plan, or obtained a waiver of the payment of dues, that member becomes an “Inactive Member” of the DSC and (i) shall not be able to vote on any matter to come before the State Committee and (ii) shall not be able to be a member of any DSC committee. If a member becomes an Inactive Member the Executive Director shall inform the Chair and Vice Chair of the Senate District of the member’s status and the loss of privileges that come with such a designation, and request that the Senate District Committee meet and determine if that Senate District Committee wants the Inactive Member removed. The Senate District Committee shall inform the Executive Director of such decision within sixty (60) days of the date of the notice. If the Senate District Committee represented by an Inactive Member requests removal of the Inactive Member, or if there is no response, the DSC may then remove the Inactive Member in accordance with Section 3.09 of the Constitution of the Missouri Democratic Party.
(d) All members shall remain an Inactive Member until all dues are paid in full, a payment plan has been approved and the first payment made, or a waiver is granted. If a member of the DSC who was previously a member and is returning to the DSC has any outstanding dues still owed to the MDP at the time officers are elected, that person shall remain an Inactive Member and shall not be allowed to vote in such officer elections or seek a position as an officer.
(e) The Treasurer shall maintain a list of the payment status of all persons required to pay dues in accordance with the Schedule of Dues and this section. This list shall be provided to the DSC and the Executive Committee in May of each year. The Treasurer shall also make this list available to any member of the DSC or Executive Committee upon request. This list shall not contain any indication of whether or not a member is under a payment plan or has had their dues waived.
As detailed in this Section, the Missouri Democratic Party may advance electoral goals by forming organizations (known as “Community Caucuses”) whose purpose is to reach out to, organize, and represent communities within Missouri that are not geographically defined, with an emphasis on communities that have been historically disenfranchised or underrepresented. Organizations that meet certain criteria will be recognized as Community Caucuses, a periodically renewable status that confers on them certain additional, limited powers, including endorsement and the possibility of representation on the State Executive Committee.
Each Community Caucus exists to embody and strengthen the relationship between its community and the MDP and to deepen their mutual commitment, understanding, and accountability; to integrate and mobilize the community within the Party and the Party within the community; to encourage and develop leaders within the community who can run for public office, assume Party leadership positions, and carry the Party’s message back to the community; to engage the community in the electoral process through voter registration, voter education, candidate endorsements (within the limits detailed in this Section), campaign support, and get-out-the-vote efforts; to remind the Party of and help it fulfill its obligations of outreach, inclusion, and affirmative action; and to help unify the Party by finding common cause with the Party’s other communities.
The State Committee may authorize a new Community Caucus within the Party if it meets all of the following criteria:
5. It has obtained approval of the State Committee after satisfying the criteria in paragraphs 1-5, above.
A Community Caucus that meets all of the above initial criteria shall be presented to the State Committee for ratification as a Community Caucus. For the first term as a Community Caucus, the Caucus will be internally known to be provisional until it files its first Biennial Report (Section 1.04) and is renewed.
(1) Caucus members, including Chairs, may be drawn from outside the membership of the 68 State Committee members. Unlike MDP Standing Committees, MDP Caucus leadership or members are not appointed or approved by the MDP Chair or Members of the Missouri Democratic Committee.
(2) The State Party shall partner with Community Caucuses upon request, to build capacity to conduct activities enumerated Section 10.04(2)(d).
(3) Caucuses authorized following Section 10.01 may use MDP’s logo in their communications. Informal groups not acknowledged in MDP Bylaws may not use MDP’s logo.
(4) No informal groups or organizations proposing to be a Community Caucus may use the initials “MDP” or the name “Missouri Democratic Party” or the name “Missouri Democratic State Committee” in its name until it has satisfied all of the conditions of Section 10.01.
(5) Each Community Caucus is allotted one voting director as a representative voting member to the State Executive Committee. The voting director to the State Executive Committee of each Community Caucus shall be elected at the annual meeting of the respective Community Caucus as a separate office, and shall be an automatic member of the Community Caucus’s executive committee, unless the organization’s approved governing documents provides for a specific officer of the organization to also serve as the organization’s voting director to the State Executive Committee. In the event of a vacancy, the highest-ranking officer of the organization shall serve as the voting director for that caucus for no more than 120 days following the occurrence creating the vacancy.
To be eligible, each Community Caucus voting director acting as an Executive Committee Member must be in good standing with having paid their annual MDP dues (Section 9.02).
The term of the voting director shall follow the structure of the terms of MDP Officers and other appointed and automatic Executive Committee members, from the reorganization date following an even-numbered year election through the next reorganization date following the subsequent even-numbered year election.
(6) No Caucus shall incur indebtedness for the MDP. Informal groups not authorized as Community Caucuses are prohibited from fundraising utilizing the MDP’s name.
Section 1.15 of the MDP Bylaws prohibit the State Committee from endorsing candidates prior to the primary election. However, Community Caucuses are allowed to make endorsements. In the case of officially recognized MDP Community Caucuses, official Community Caucus endorsement of a candidate for public office shall require a 60% affirmative vote of the body making the endorsement. The phrase “60 percent affirmative vote” means that to be endorsed, a candidate must receive 60 percent of the votes cast on that ballot, excluding blanks, abstentions and spoiled ballots.
MDP Community Caucuses are expressly prohibited from endorsing any candidate running as a Republican or other Party or Independent.
(1) Caucuses are required to re-register every biennium (2 years) by January 31. Initial renewal for all Caucuses would be required as of January 31, 2021. Additional time to be in compliance is allotted in 10.04(4).
Each Community Caucus authorized under Section 10.01 must file a biennial report with the State Party Affairs Committee in order to renew its Section 1 authorization.
(2) Any change in Community Caucus status is effective upon the adjournment of the meeting at which the action is taken. Reports shall cover the period of January 1 of the odd-numbered year through December 31 of the following even-numbered year, and shall be filed on or before January 31 of the following odd year. The report shall contain:
(3) To be considered a Community Caucus for the current biennium, a Community Caucus’s biennial report shall show that it met the following criteria during the previous biennium or year (depending upon when the Community Caucus was chartered) and include the following information:
Information To Include In Biennial Report:
The current officers of the organization;
Either a copy of the active membership roster or a certification that the current active membership (with membership date, address and phone number or email) has been verified with State Party staff;
The total number of active members at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
A copy of the current governing document;
A current financial statement;
Any activities report detailing the completion of activities, such as those described below that are recommended for renewal;
any additional information the caucus wishes to report.
Criteria To Meet For Renewal of Caucus Status:
Caucus maintained an active membership of at least 25 individuals;
Caucus organized in multiple representative community locations seeking greater Missouri membership representation when available;
Caucus held meetings at least 4 times per year (in addition to the annual meeting of its full membership); and
Caucus completed at least 3 activities per year that meaningfully engaged its membership and the community. Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to:
Hosting or co-hosting a fundraising event for the organization or the party;
Sponsoring or co-sponsoring a public exhibit, membership drive, or information session about the organization itself or about the MDP;
Conducting a program of mentorship for new members throughout the year;
Hosting or co-hosting a culturally relevant issue-based educational or advocacy event in the community at large; or
Hosting or co-hosting a candidate-driven organizing, fundraising, or educational event in the community at large.
(4) If any Community Caucus has not filed a report that complies with these requirements by January 31 of an odd-numbered-year, then the State Party Affairs Committee shall remind the organization in writing about this requirement. If a complete report is not received by the State Party Affairs Committee within 60 days after the reminder has been sent, then the State Party Affairs Committee must notify the organization (by notice mailed to the last known address of the organization’s chair and through at least two other methods) that it is subject to dissolution by the State Committee under the terms of this Section. The proposed dissolution shall appear on the agenda for the first State Committee meeting held at least 30 days after the State Party Affairs Committee mailed notice of the proposed dissolution.
(5) Review of Biennial Reports: The report of each Community Caucus shall be reviewed by the MDP Party Affairs Committee based upon the criteria above. The review shall be completed, and the results communicated back to the organization, in time for the results of the review to be placed on the agenda for the next quarterly State Committee Meeting, but no later than 30 days prior to the next State Committee meeting.
The MDP Party Affairs Committee shall review all reports and submit its recommendations for consideration of Community Caucus renewals at the first quarter’s State Committee meeting of each odd-numbered year, or after late-submitted Biennial Reports are reviewed.
Caucus membership is open to all MDP members. Members may affiliate with one or more Caucuses. Caucuses are requested to make a good faith effort to routinely submit their membership lists to the MDP Caucus Liaison in order to ease with roster maintenance and facilitate MDP Headquarters helping disseminate information on behalf of the Caucuses. A hardship committee will be formed to assist with MDP-dues payments. Caucuses are not required to require their members to pay MDP dues beyond the initial chartering and renewal process showing MDP members as Caucus members.
A Caucus Liaison will be an MDP staff member designated by the Executive Director. The Caucus Liaison will serve as a point of contact and information for Caucuses both between the Caucus and the MDP. In addition, the MDP Affirmative Action and Delegate Selection Committee Chair will act as a serving member to work with the Community Caucus Liaison staff member.
The State Committee may dissolve a Community Caucus’s authorization for cause with 2/3rds vote of the State Committee members, provided that notice of the proposed dissolution is included in the notice of the meeting distributed as provided in Section 1.05, and a copy of said notice is mailed to the last known address of the caucus’s chair by the same deadline. If the authorization of an organization is dissolved, it shall no longer be a Community Caucus.
Alternatively, voluntary dissolution of a caucus may happen by petition signed by a simple majority of registered Caucus members of the Caucus as of the date of petition signatures and submitted to the Executive Committee. Only upon receipt of a dissolution petition signed by caucus members may the Executive Committee reserve the right to dissolve a Caucus in consultation with the Caucus leadership.
These guidelines apply to all Community Caucuses in existence on the adoption date of these guidelines and all future approved and adopted Community Caucuses.
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
Paid for by Missouri Democratic State Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Missouri Democratic Party. All Rights Reserved.