The Missouri Democratic Party is committed to doing all we can to minimize the risk of the spread of coronavirus at party events throughout the year. Prior to March 15th, we were providing recommendations on holding safe events, which we have retained below. However, as updated on Sunday, March 15th, the CDC now recommends cancelling or postponing all events of over 50 people for the next 8 weeks. In light of this guidance, please use the following guidance for events of under 50 people, although we really recommend cancelling all in-person events regardless of size and implementing social distancing.
—– Guidance for events under 50 people, although we recommend holding no in-person events at this time —–
Below, we outline what the coronavirus is, how to protect yourself, how to protect your event, and where to go for additional information. If you have any specific questions as to how this affects party business, please feel free to reach out to the team here at the MDP!
According to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS), COVID-19 is a viral respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus that has not been found in people before. Patients with confirmed COVID-19 have had mild to severe respiratory illness with symptoms of:
Below are some basic recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to protect yourself from coronavirus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has some useful advice on protecting yourself as well, which we recommend reading.
Here are a few steps you can take to help reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission at party events.
The CDC has put together some recommendations for event organizers, which is a useful resource as we enter convention season.
We also encourage party leaders to continue sharing advice on coronavirus-proofing your events with one another. If you’ve had your event, let folks know what worked and what didn’t. If your event is coming up and you’ve got questions, ask your fellow MDP leaders.
Johns Hopkins University is tracking the spread of coronavirus live. While they cannot track cases that have yet to be diagnosed and reported, this is still a useful tool for determining whether coronavirus has been confirmed in your community.
There’s some misinformation about coronavirus circulating. We recommend taking a moment to review the WHO’s myth-busters to set the record straight about what coronavirus is.
The Red Cross has a really useful one page fact sheet with important information on coronavirus.
For Missouri-specific information, check out the section of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services’ website dedicated to coronavirus. They have useful information and additional print resources. If you want to reach out to MDHSS with questions, you can contact them at:
Office: 573-777-1364 | Fax: 573-441-0601
Paid for by Missouri Democratic State Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
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