2022-2024 Party Information

Every two (2) years, the Missouri Democratic State Committee (the “Missouri Democratic Party”) reorganizes all of its Party infrastructure committees from the county to the state level, beginning in August and concluding in December. This process occurs in compliance with both the Missouri State Statutes and the Party Bylaws.

Current Committee Roster
democratic party build back better tour

Local Committee Reorganization Meetings for county committees, legislative district committees, senate district committees, congressional district committees, and judicial district committees occur after the state primary election in August, occurring between August and September. A detailed memo on this process is available here.

State Committee Reorganization Meetings typically occur on the first Saturday following the November election – this year’s date is to be determined. The voting members of each Senate District gather to elect 2 members to serve on the Missouri Democratic State Committee. 

All the local committee and state committee member election meetings should be submitted on the MDP events page with log-in or in-person attendance details as these are public meetings.

The State Committee Leadership Reorganization Meeting is when the new state committee members for the Missouri Democratic State Committee convene.

For more information on the party structure, here is a handout

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